
The University Hospital of Freiburg is affiliated with the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg. It is one of largest tertiary care hospitals in Germany. Per year, about 70 000 patients are treated on an inpatient basis and another 800.000 are seen in the outpatient facilities.

Within the University Hospital, the Department of Medicine II is specialized on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract including malignant tumors such as colorectal cancer.

The diagnostic and interventional endoscopy unit is part of the Department of Medicine II. Per year, about 12.000 endoscopic procedures are performed. Procedures are delivered by highly experienced endoscopists and the unit is equipped with the newest generation of endoscopes and instruments. The whole spectrum of endoscopic examinations and procedures is performed with a focus on diagnosis and resection premalignant and malignant neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main scientific focus of the endoscopy unit is clinical evaluation of novel endoscopic techniques and devices. Clinical mono- and multicenter studies are regularly designed, coordinated and conducted in close collaboration with industry and clinical partners. One main project during the last years was development and clinical evaluation of an endoscopic full-thickness resection device for colorectal neoplasms.

Key persons

PD Dr. Arthur Schmidt is Head of Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology at Robert Bosch Hospital / Rober Bosch Health Campus in Stuttgart, GERMANY

Role in project: Clinical and preclinical evaluation of PROSCOPE prototype within WP7

Dr. Armin Küllmer is a Physician at Department of Medicine II, Univ.Hospital of Freiburg

Dr. Julius Mueller is a Resident at Department of Medicine II, Univ. Hospital of Freiburg.

Role in project: Clinical and preclincal evalauation of PROSCOPE prototype within WP2